Blair Donnelly
Age:40 Favourite captain: Picard – with Sisko as a close second. I loved his leadership style, his confidence and his professionalism. Favourite Trek Series:Deep Space Nine. It started slow, but in the end had some of the best (and darkest) episodes, great story arcs, and an amazing cast of secondary characters. It was a series ahead of its time. Farourite Episode:There are so many to choose from – especially from DS9. If I had to...
Matt Smonskey
Age:31 Favourite Ship: The Akira Class ships. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched the cube battle scene from First Contact on VHS back in the day. I always fixated on that beauty. Favourite Trek Series:My favorite has been and always will be The Next Generation. It was my first window into this universe and my first Trek love. Farourite Episode:DS9’s “The Visitor”. This is where great science fiction can do what no other...
Chris Johnson
Age:29 Favourite Captain: As a fan of the books, and an avid reader, I have to say my favorite captain is Riker. I just love the philosophy of how he runs his ship. Favourite Trek Series:Can I say the movie series? I just really love almost all of those films. Otherwise my favorite of the television series is usually the one I am currently watching– which at the moment is Enterprise. Next month, who knows! Farourite...
Chris Mitchell
Age: 32 Favorite Trek Series: Deep Space Nine. It is a perfect storm of writing, acting, production and focus. Favorite Captain: Sisko, not the BEST Captain, by my favourite. The way he juggles being a Captain, a religious leader, a father and a God. All whilst fighting a war and rarely dropping a ball. Makes him one of the best characters on television Favorite Ship: Probably not a popular choice, but there is something about the...
Geno Younger
Age: 27 Favorite Trek Series: I have a hard time picking favorites of anything, though my gut instinct is to go with Next Generation. TNG has so much nostalgic value to me, I find myself enjoying episodes I’ve seen several times as if it was my first. Favorite Captain: Picard, hands down. Tell me you didn’t fear the worst when he was assimilated. Tell me you didn’t get choked up when he learned about his brother and...
Age:30 Favourite Trek Series: Deep Space Nine. I liked the fact it was the first real dark and gritty series. Seasons 4 -7 has some of the best trek out there. Favourite Captain: I like them all but it has to come down to Picard ultimately. It was under the Next Generation that my fondness for Star Trek came out. Favourite Ship: This is a really hard question but it probably comes down to the Enterprise D. It was a fantastic looking...
Brian Baker
Age: 44 Favorite Trek Series: DS9 Favorite Captain: Captain Benjamin Sisko. Favorite Ship: The Defiant. Favorite Episode: Tapestry, because it was Q at his best, being more like a guardian over Picard instead of a trickster God. Taught Picard a hard lesson about the choices you make in life. Favorite non-regular character: Garak. Because he is so flamboyant and devious, a perfect mix. Trekker or Trekkie: Prefer Trekker, but if...
Ben McCulloch
Age: 29 Favorite Captain: Captain Kirk. He had a solution for every problem he encountered. If he couldn’t fight his way out then he thought his way out. His crew revered him and he always put the ship and the mission ahead of himself. He was the first man to sit in the chair, and he has set the standard for all the rest. Favorite Episode: Every time I think about this question maybe 30 episodes go through my mind. 29 of them have...
Emma Finch
Age:24 Favourite Trek Series: It is hard for me to pick a series as I tend to like different characters from all series. I love Picard and Data so would have to with TNG, oh and because the uniforms are colourful!! Favourite Captain: As I have said before think it has to be Picard, and no its not because I have some kind of Picard crush its just cause he is pretty cool and gets on well with everyone and can give them a row but still...
Paul Finch
Age:26 Favourite Trek Series:DS9 for me has the perfect balance of characters and stories. It also portrays humans and Star Fleet/ The Federation in the most realistic way. The regular extras on the show really added depth and scale to the series. DS9 had a great mixture between individual episodes and multiple episode story arcs. Favourite Captain:Captain Archer or Sisko but leaning more towards Archer. Out of the 5 series captains I...