Everybody loves a good party, no matter what time period you’re living in. Sure, there may be a few wallflowers or party-poopers at some parties, while other times things just seem completely out of control. There are usually drinks, snacks, good music and good times. In Star Trek there have been lots of parties, and we’re lucky to have been witness to seeing our heroes at their best and worst. While we’ve never seen them wake up in their beds with traffic cones the morning after, sometimes it’s been pretty close…

1) Party Out Of Bounds in The Naked Time (ST:TOS): Still one of the most memorable times on the Enterprise, the whole crew gets infected with a virus that’s part space-rohypnol, part tequila. While Sulu gets to unleash his inner swordsman and Riley locks himself in the engine room to do his karaoke routine, Spock has a meltdown of Lindsay Lohan-sized proportions. We want some of what they’re having.

2) Make Ours A Double in The Naked Now (ST:TNG): Treading over the same ground as Kirk & The Gang, the NCC1701-D crew catch a strain of the same virus as above. Wesley pulls a Riley, Tasha Yar and Data do the mattress mambo and we learn that Geordi’s one hell of a mean drunk. Especially notable for Picard laughing like a walrus, it’s actually one of the early season’s most memorable episodes, but Riker being the designated driver is possibly the worst idea ever.

3) It’s My Party And I’ll Cry If I Want To in Twisted (ST:Voyager): It’s Kes’s 2nd birthday (wow, those years just fly by!) and she’s having her party in Sandrine’s bar on the holodeck, despite not even being legal drinking age. While Neelix gets to seethe at Tom Paris for getting her a much nicer gift than he did, The Doctor gets stalked by Sandrine who’s doing her best Pepe Le Pew impression. When the ship suddenly gets turned into a pretzel, it’s the best excuse to slip away since leaving the iron plugged in.

4) The Best Is Yet To Come in What You Leave Behind (ST:DS9): After defeating The Dominion/Cardassian alliance, it’s time to celebrate in Vic’s Lounge on the holodeck for the Deep Space 9 crew. It’s a touching moment for all of the characters (and production team), joining together for the last time as Vic Fontaine sings The Way You Look Tonight. Elegant, simple and ultimately tragic, it’s one of those rare Trek parties that you’re not just gate-crashing, but were invited to.

5) Blue Skies at Troi and Riker’s wedding (STX:Nemesis): After years of avoiding the obvious, finally Deanna Troi and Will Riker tie the knot. Picard gets to make a great speech about how good help is hard to find, Wesley Crusher shows up in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it cameo (presumably just so he can kiss the bride) and Data gets unleash his Ol’ Yellow Eyes persona to sing Blue Skies to them as a wedding present. The lesson to be learned from this is that if you’re too cheap to buy a real gift, break out into song.

6) Today Is A Good Day To Dine at the Dinner Party (STVI: The Undiscovered Country): With the Federation trying to make peace with the Klingons, Spock invites them over to the Enterprise for an evening of civilised chit-chat. It may start out My Dinner With Andre’ but devolves into Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?, with accusations and insults flying about the room. Spurred on with good helpings of Romulan ale and a side-order of prejudice, all Spock can do is shake his head and wish he’d taken them all out for ice creams rather.

7) Meet The Parents in Haven (ST:TNG): Deanna Troi has to deal with a pesky arranged marriage when her mom, the groom and his parents all come aboard the Enterprise and make life miserable for the crew. The high point is a dinner party where Lwaxana’s manservant Mister Homn bangs his gong in front of everyone, the two mothers get into a verbal catfight and the plants get all touchy-feely. Poor Deanna can’t take it and does her best Usain Bolt impression to leave the room, the only time she’s ever abandoned her chocolate pudding.

8) Woodstock Revisited in The Way To Eden (ST:TOS): The infamous “Space Hippies” episode that makes every fan cringe, there’s still a damn good party to be had when these deluded morons break out the instruments and get into a jam session. Spreading a message of peace and love to the Enterprise crew, they even encourage Spock to get down with his bad self. The only party-pooper here is Kirk, who’s more about a quick roll in the quadrotriticale and a well-charged phaser. Herbert!

9) Let Them Eat Rokeg Blood Pie in Redemption part 2 (ST:TNG): The Klingons have never been subtle, and even a civil war won’t stop them from enjoying themselves. Worf and his brother Kurn gather with others from both sides to enjoy some light-hearted drinking, singing and violence. Worf may question the attitude of partying with the enemy, but it’s always a good day to die so why not? Klingon opera is as unintelligible and fun as R.E.M.’s It’s The End Of The World As We Know It, and carries the same message.

10) The Pineapple Express in Silent Enemy (ST:Enterprise): Quite possibly the saddest birthday party in history, it’s strangely representative of the show. The highlight being that birthday boy Malcolm, security & tactical officer and Eagle Scout badge-winner gets gifted with a pineapple cake. Really. Despite his inner desire for T’Pol to jump on his lap and do the wiggle-dance, the only joy that Malcolm’s going to get is rearranging his fridge. Rumours of an action-packed extended scene where Hoshi pulls out the Scrabble set are exaggerated…

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Author: Rick Austin

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  1. bad as it is, I LOVE the ep with the space hippies mostly for the scene where Spock and his female friend are getting down. HERBERT! HERBERT!

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    Something about that shot of Picard eating cake is so charming! And poor as the episode was, Reed’s pineapple cake is my favourite too! Thanks for a fantastic and funny article!

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