Ten Forward: Episode 199 – Sportsball!!!
Episode 199 of Ten Forward is about sport, sorry.
Ten Forward Episode: 197 – The Many Facets of Naked Bliss
This week, Sina, Not-So-Evil-Dan & Carnivorous Chris Johnson delve deeply into three episodes where the crew is acting damned irregular. What did the character’s wacky mind trips teach them? Or us? What opportunities were missed? Why are Tasha Yar’s quarters full of dick statues? These questions and more get answered as we float downstream on the great inebreation continuum (with Sina as the designated...
Episode #198 – An Engineer & an Attorney Walk Into the Bar
Sina is joined at the bar by Sarah and Caroline with Continuing Missions – we discuss progressive (and not so progressive) moments in Voyager and meander into other series while we have a few drinks. Join us with your choice of adult beverage.
Ten Forward: Episode 196 – Best (& Worst) Fist Fights in Trek
Join Sina, Not-So-Evil Dan, and El Pero Caliente for a loving and irreverent look at the long history of fisticuffs in Star Trek, where our hosts learn that not all slug fests are created equal.
Ten Forward: Episode 195 – Trials, Troubles, Trbbles & Tribulations
Ten Forward: Episode 195 – Trials, Troubles, Trbbles & Tribulations QueenKatBlue (Cat is spelt with a”K”) and The Pinecone couldn’t be bothered with preparation and thinking too much this week. And what with Sina having a bad week at work and Paul just finishing a long hike they decided to relax and watch an episode of Star Trek together. You can watch along with us if you like and enjoy the best ever episode of Star Trek ever of...
Ten Forward: Episode 194 – Underrated Trek (Warning Adult Content)
Ten Forward: Episode 194 – Underrated Trek (Warning Adult Content) Usually Ten Forward is Family Friendly but be warned this episode is not! The Kat, El Pres and The Pinecone are joined by Positively Nerdy Ryan Porter to discuss an underrated episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Penises. But instead they get side tracked and talk about; Star Wars Penises Dick….. Grayson Kieran McDuff’s 2 inch post! Cats Penises Preparation...
Ten Forward Episode #193 – Join Our Insurrection!
Sina, Dan and Chris Johnson aka CarnivoreJ from the UP2 and Continuing Missions podcast throw a parade for the TNG movie Insurrection. Yes, you heard that right. Will Matt rain on our parade? Listen and find out. Usual places: @queenkatblue, @dlevitt79, @mhansen0207, @carnivorej trekmatetenforward@gmail.com; forum.trekmatefamily.com; facebook.com/tenforwardpod
Ten Forward: Episode 192 – The Killing Joke
Ten Forward: Episode 192 – The Killing Joke The Pinecone and El Pres are left alone with the keys to the bar. So guess what…. Yep you guessed it… they don’t pull up a chair and talk Trek. This week’s diversion is all about BATMAN! With a new straight to Blu-Ray, animated version of the classic Batman, The Killing Joke the boys review the very graphic novel and discuss all things Batman. Oh and in the bloopers they talk sportsball....
Ten Forward Episode #191 – Trek Celebrities & You
This episode, well, Dan drinks at the bar (but what’s new about that?!?) and so does Sina (!!!), so you know what that means… Nice bar conversation of celebrities who have guest starred in Star Trek and celebrities who were in ST before they hit it big. Dan and I meander into and out of some other discussions, and we also try to catch up on some feedback – but it’s painless, I promise!...
Ten Forward Episode #190 – A Child of Two Worlds, or The Firbob Award
Join Sina, Dan and Scott as we discuss Greg Cox’ Pike Era book A Child of Two Worlds. Who liked it? Who didn’t? What is the Firbob Award and who won it? All this and more in this latest installment of book club. Scott’s blog is: graylog.wordpress.com Dan in all his Evilness can be reached at @dlevitt79 Sina is still driving all over Texas, but she occasionally shares photos and rants on Twitter: @queenkatblue...