Reboot, Remake, Reimagining and they come to take us away-ha ha. Podcast #202

Tonight Ben, from the Delta Quadrant podcast, comes on to discuss how would earth respond if the United Federation of Planets came to us today and asked us to become a member? How would our Educational, Political, Social world change if we suddenly became a member of the Federation?

But first, we pull out an email where a listener has had enough of the whole reboot thing. We’ll have to agree to disagree. We discuss something Larry Nemecek did for us. We welcome new listeners to the show and even pull out our first PSA and even do some News From the Future. We do it all in this episode.

Tonight’s Rule of Acquisition: #58 “There is no substitute for success.“

This show is a proud member of the Trek Mate Family Network, home of the best Star Trek Podcasts, such as The Delta Quadrant Podcast at Delta Quadrant Podcast
Please visit

Links Discussed In This Show Were:
“Reboot” Vs. “Remake” vs “Reimagining”.
Larry Nemecek’s “Trekland” blog post bout Star Trek Podcasting..
Geek Fights podcast..

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Author: loutrekshow

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