Oh there’s the casual Star Trek fan. There’s the hard core Star Trek fan and then there’s the fan that gets called into Gene Roddenbury’s office. Tonight we talk to that fan. Larry Nemecek is a name that is very well known through the galaxy as Ask Mr. Trek. Author, Actor and die hard Trekkie to the core. Tonight we welcome Dr. McCoy of the new Star Trek Continues to discuss what he is doing.
Whether it’s voice from the past or maps of the Star Trek universe, Larry Nemecek has done it, seen it and lives it all. If you blinked one too many times, you would have missed his appearance on Star Trek: Enterprise on the historic moment when Captain Jonathan Archer make’s his speech, only outdone by Dr. Cochrane himself.
Larry wanted to come on and talk about what it is he does, but our first question out of the gate starts on a 30 some minute tangent that we had to force ourselves to come out of. Check it out..
Tonight’s Rule of Acquisition: #47, picked by Larry “Never trust a man wearing a better suit then your own.“
This show is a proud member of the Trek Mate Family Network, home of the best Star Trek Podcasts, such as The Delta Quadrant Podcast at Delta Quadrant Podcast
Please visit TrekMateFamily.com
Links Discussed In This Show Were:
Larry’s Memory-Alpha Page.
Larry Nemecek’s Main Page.
The Con of Wrath.
Star Trek Continues, Fan Based production.
Larry’s Book “Star Trek Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference.”
1701 Pennsylvania Ave, youtube video.
Star Trek Phase II.
The Delta Quadrant, A Star Trek Voyager Podcast.
Trek Mate Family Forum.
Trek News and Views, A Star Trek Podcast.
Previously in the Alpha Quadrant: A Star Trek: Enterprise Podcast.
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