Age:35(but a giant child at heart)
Favourite Trek Series: Deep Space 9. Come on like you need to ask. I’m the Cohost of The Wilderness after all.
Trekkie or Trekker: I have no real alegence to either, I’ll take Nerd.
About me: Well, when I was born at a very young age, the bible opened at a crucial page….Ive been a Star Trek Fan since the age of 12ish when I watched encounter at farpoint. Something inside me just clicked. Never been a fan of the original series, ive been known to shout the quote “who gives a toss about TOS, but each to their own. When DS9 began i was hooked, loved the show and the characters. Then by the 3rd season it was a religon for me. I even joined and become vice presedent of a Star Trek Fan Club.
twitter: @fezzic
Find me on: Trek Mate: In The Wilderness