TrekMate Supplemental 10 – Who Watches The Watchers?
Welcome to the Trek Mate: Supplemental. The midweek show where we Remember The Future! In this weeks show we are remembering the Star Trek: The Next Generation classic “Who Watches The Watchers”
Trek Mate: Supplemental 9 – All Our Yesterdays
This weeks Supplemental is a real listener special as we are joined by none other than @QueenKatBlue AKA Sina & @Science_islife AKA Jacqueline. They joined us to review the TOS season 3 classic “All Our Yesterdays” and there were only a couple of small digressions.
Trek Mate: Supplemental 8 – E2
As we remember the future this week, we were lucky enough to be joined by two of our friends who have come all the the way from The Delta Quadrant (podcast) Charlynn and Matt as we take a look back at the brilliant Enterprise episode E2.
Trek Mate: Supplemental 7 – Flashback
Welcome to the Trek Mate: Supplemental. The midweek show where we Remember The Future! In this weeks show we are remembering the Star Trek Voyager episode “Flashback”
Trek Mate: Supplemental 6 – In The Pale Moonlight
In this weeks show we were joined by our ECH (Emergency Co-Host) Marc Stamper as Paul was struck down with sickness, though we managed to successfully carry on and put on a show for our listeners. Join us as we visit the Guardian of Forever and Remember the classic DS9 episode “In The Pale Moonlight”. Sadly this is the last time that Marc will be joining us as guest co-host, but we wish him well in all his future endeavours.
Trek Mate: Supplemental 5 – Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Please accept our sincerest apologies for the poor audio quality, it wont happen again… We hope! In this weeks show we are remembering “Star Trek V: The Final Frontier”
Trek Mate: Supplemental 4 – Elementary, Dear Data
Welcome to the Trek Mate: Supplemental. The midweek show where we Remember The Future! In this weeks show we are remembering the classic TNG episode: “Elementary, Dear Data”
Trek Mate: Supplemental 3 – The Trouble With Tribbles
Welcome to the Trek Mate: Supplemental. The midweek show where we Remember The Future! In this weeks show we are remembering the classic TOS episode: “The Trouble With Tribbles”
Trek Mate: Supplemental 2 – The Andorian Incident
Welcome to the Trek Mate: Supplemental. The midweek show where we Remember The Future! In this weeks show we are remembering the Enterprise episode “The Andorian Incident”
Trek Mate: Supplemental 1 – Dr. Bashir, I Presume?
In this the very first Star Trek Supplemental, we are joined by our good friend Marc Stamper from @TrekTrivia as we Remember The Future! And this weeks episode that we are looking back at is Dr. Bashir, I Presume?