Trek Mate: A Star Trek Podcast – Episode 44: EMS
This weeks pod is a very special episode as Wayne & Paul attend the Entertainment Media Show and have the opportunity to get up close and personal with Vaughn Armstrong, Ethan Phillips and Jonathan Frakes.
The Delta Quadrant *Bonus* …Meanwhile In the Alpha Quadrant – Yesterday’s Enterprise Retrospective
A temporal rift opens, and the USS Enterprise-C emerges, changing the timeline into a reality where the Federation is in a bitter war with the Klingon Empire. The only one on USS Enterprise-D that realizes that something is not right is Guinan, and she must help return the Enterprise-C to its proper time in order to save themselves.
The Delta Quadrant *Bonus* Star Trek: Generations Retrospective
“Two captains. One destiny.” In the late 23rd century, it’s the beginning of a new era as the Starship Enterprise-B is launched without James T. Kirk in command, but, the captain is along for the maiden voyage when a distress call from a group of El-Aurian refugees trapped in a mysterious energy ribbon presses the ill-prepared Enterprise into a deadly rescue mission that seemingly claims the life of Kirk....
The Delta Quadrant *Bonus* …Meanwhile In the Alpha Quadrant – Relics Retrospective
The Enterprise discovers a ship that crashed on a Dyson sphere more than seventy-five years prior with a single survivor suspended in the transporter buffer: Captain Montgomery Scott. This episode was actually recorded quite a while ago and wasn’t intended to be a full on review of our off shoot review series but more of a mini retrospective. Sadly this was recorded before J.D. joined the podcast so please forgive his absence....
The Delta Quadrant *Bonus* – TMP Retrospective
After an eighteen-month refit process, the starship Enterprise is ready to explore the galaxy once again. But when a huge, invincible cloud approaches Earth, Admiral James T. Kirk must assume command of his old ship in order to stop it. Crewmembers old and new face new challenges, and must work together to triumph over the unknown.
The Delta Quadrant – Mission Overview/Introductions
Here is episode 0 of The Delta Quadrant, laying the groundwork for what was to come.
Ten Forward:Episode 16: Tom’s Island
This week our guest from the Deck 8 podcast, Tom Baddeley, joins us to discuss his 5 choices for Desert Island Trek. Michael Clark also joins us for a bit. Sincere apologies in advance for the audio issues as we had many problems while recording. You can reach Tom on Twitter at @tombad2378 Thomas Baddeley TOS The Changeling TNG Sins of the Father TNG The Inner Light VOY Year of Hell, Parts 1 & 2 VOY Hope and...
Trek Mate: On The Go – Journey 1: An experiment
This is the very first episode of something that just popped into my head, let’s see where the journey takes us.
Trek Mate: A Star Trek Podcast – Episode 39: Family
This weeks podcast marks the end of Season 3 of Name That Trek! as Marc & Wayne go head to head to celebrate the end of this season. We also discuss Families in this weeks topic and do all our usual business.
Ten Forward:Episode 9: Girl’s Night Out
In this weeks episode of Ten Forward we are joined by the wonderful Charlynn who has travelled all the way from the delta quadrant to discuss arguably Starfleet’s best captain, Patrick Stewart.Though be prepared for our usual news and general Trek chat as well as an electrical fire!