Upper Pylon 2 – 3 x 12: Past Tense, Part II
This week on UP2, Admiral Hansen and Chief Medical Officer Blair rejoin the UP2 crew after their shore leave to review the concluding installment of the exciting “Past Tense” duology. Thrust into taking on the role of a historical figure, Sisko must lead a rebellion to have the residents of the 21st Century Sanctuary Districts heard. Meanwhile, Kira and O’Brien timehop to locate their missing crewmates, and Dax has a...
Jem Hadar and The Search Feedbacks
Chris and Melissa have a seat and a drink for another edition of Feedbackapalooza as we discuss your feedback on Jem Hadar, and the Search Parts 1 and 2. We apologize due to some technical difficulties, the latter half of the podcast had a few minor cuts. But do listen in to hear what your fellow listeners had to say about these exciting episodes!
Sci Fi Waffle – Episode 30 – Contact film review
Sci Fi Waffle – Episode 30 – Contact film review In todays episode Paul & Shawn review the 1997 Jodie Foster film Contact. Did you like it as much as Shawn or as little as Paul? And there’s bloopers. And find out how Paul watched the film… it’s unique to say the least! In other news we discuss; The passing of Anton Yelchin A badminton playing robot To see the robot playing badminton, click on the link below....
Upper Pylon 2 – 3 x 11: Past Tense, Part I
This week while Chief Medical Officer Blair and Admiral Hansen are on shore leave, the remaining UP2 crew take a look at the first entry into the prophetic “Past Tense” time-traveling two-parter. While beaming down for an engagement at Starfleet Command, Sisko, Dax and Bashir are accidentally transported to the year 2024 through the magic of time particles, or some such. The year is a volatile period in Earth’s...
Ten Forward Episode: 197 – The Many Facets of Naked Bliss
This week, Sina, Not-So-Evil-Dan & Carnivorous Chris Johnson delve deeply into three episodes where the crew is acting damned irregular. What did the character’s wacky mind trips teach them? Or us? What opportunities were missed? Why are Tasha Yar’s quarters full of dick statues? These questions and more get answered as we float downstream on the great inebreation continuum (with Sina as the designated...
Upper Pylon 2 – 3 x 10: Fascination
This week, the boys of UP2 take a look at the return of Lwaxana Troi and a very “Midsummer Night’s Dream”-esque story in “Fascination.” DS9 sees the celebration of the annual Bajoran Gratitude Festival, bringing many visitors to the station including Lwaxana Troi and Vedek Bariel. However, mysterious occurrences start happening as people are seemingly inflicted with intense passionate feelings for what...
Reunion, TNG S4 E07 Review, The Battle Bridge
Captain Picard is selected to arbitrate the selection of a new Chancellor for the Klingon Empire and, in doing so, find out who dishonorably murdered the old Chancellor. Also involved is Ambassador K’Ehleyr, who has a surprise for Worf: their son. Today James and Lou discuss (Reunion) and what we think of it, as well as feedback, with tonight’s guest host Bryan Detamore. Credit: Main Title Theme (TV Edit) was arranged by...
Sci Fi Waffle – Episode 29 – Thunderbirds 1965 TV Series Review
Sci Fi Waffle – Episode 29 – Thunderbirds 1965 TV Series Review Due to a technical failure the original Episode 29 was lost and will be re-recorded and posted as Episode 30. So here is a hastily put together show reviewing the 1965 TV series Thunderbirds. I hope you enjoy it. All the information used in this podcast was sourced from Wikipedia which means I have no way of thanking the original author other than in these notes. His or...
Voyager’s Continuing Missions: Protectors
This month we tackle Beyer’s first novel where all our characters are physically present in the storyline, and no one has to die to progress the story. It’s all here, in it’s 4 hour glory, Protectors!
Episode #198 – An Engineer & an Attorney Walk Into the Bar
Sina is joined at the bar by Sarah and Caroline with Continuing Missions – we discuss progressive (and not so progressive) moments in Voyager and meander into other series while we have a few drinks. Join us with your choice of adult beverage.