The Ten Forward Book Club: Cold Equations – The Persistence of Memory

CE1This week it’s book club time and Sina & Michael are joined by Melissa from the Delta Quadrant podcast as we discuss the first part of the Cold Equations Trilogy – The Persistence of Memory by New York Times Best Selling Author David Mack.

This is also our 52 podcast which officially means Ten Forward is one year old. We will be looking at all your feedback next week but we do wish to thank all our listeners for all their support with our show over the past year.

You can find Cold Equations at Amazon Uk & US

You can find more about David on his official website

You can find David on:

Twitter: @DavidAlanMack

You can also find David on Facebook

Comment on the show at the Trek Mate forum here

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You can find more about Star Trek books at Simon & Schuster

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Author: Sina Alvarado

I live in Houston, Texas, and while I don’t own or ride a horse, I do occasionally say “Y’all” and even “All Y’all.” I am married and have one daughter. I started watching Trek regularly with TNG and got absolutely hooked after watching “Yesterday’s Enterprise.” Trek has been a big part of my life ever since then and I am happy to share my love for it with all y’all.

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