Ten Forward

Welcome to Ten Forward, come on in and pull up a chair with our hosts Sina Alvarado, Jacqueline & Matthew Hansen as we talk Trek. Join us each week as we go through some of the latest Trek related news, discuss which episodes we (and You) wouldn’t mind being trapped on a desert island with, and try to find a shining light in the worst that Star Trek has to offer.  Each month we get all intellectual and review a Star Trek novel in the “Trek Mate Book Club.” We also test Matt’s trivia knowledge in “Trump The Trivia King” and much more.

You can subscribe to our show through our RSS feed here: https://www.trekmate.org.uk/feed/ten-forward/ and you can also find us on iTunes, Stitcher.

Below is an overview of each of our podcasts.

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 22: Debate Trek: Lee Vs. Aaron

On this episode, Sina, Jackie and Michael welcome Lee and Admiral Aaron (Jonathan) to debate whether some Voyager episodes are bad trek or not. Listen to the debate and decide for yourselves!. We also have news and read your emails and forum posts.

The link for the news article about a fan proposing to his girlfriend in front of the TNG cast is here:


Aaron’s / Jonathan’s twitter is: @STOAdmiralAaron

Lee’s twitter is: @leeh_nostromo

You can read Michael’s blog here: http://mbartletclark.wordpress.com/

You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 21: Totally Kate

This week, Sina (who has dug out of the nuclear wasteland that is Houston), Jacqueline and Michael try to discuss Kate Mulgrew. Lots of laughter and stories from Michael about Star Trek London ensued! We also discuss a bit of news, read your feedback and Jackie speaks Canadian again. Oh, and bloopers. Lots and lots of bloopers. Hope you enjoy!

Check out Michael’s picture with Kate Mulgrew!

Many thanks to James, who provided a You Tube video of Kate Mulgrew’s talk on Sunday. You can see it here:


You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 20: Chris’ Desert Island

This week Mike & Jacqueline are joined by Chris Mitchell to discuss his Desert Island Trek choices

You can listen to this episode here


Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 19: Night of the Living Trekkies

This week Sina is joined by Carl Stark as they review the book ‘Night of the living Trekkies’ by author Kevin David Anderson
You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 18: Moyer’s World

This week we have the entire gang: Sina, Jacqueline and Matt. We have a brilliant guest this week, Rick Moyer, a music genius who has provided all the Trek Mate bumpers for us and has hilarious Star Trek parody songs. Rick is stranded on our Desert Island and is forced to choose only 5 episodes to take with him. We also discuss a bit of news, not that anything is going on…..[Star Trek London anybody?], try to trip up Matt with some trivia questions, and read emails and forum posts.Rick Moyer can be reached at @moyer777, rick.moyer on Facebook, Takehimwithyou.com , startrekparodies.com or artbymoyer.com
You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 17: That Crazy Cat Avery Brooks

On this week’s episode of Ten Forward, Sina, Matt and guest host Michael Clark discuss the brilliant but kind of crazy actor, Avery Brooks, as well as the evolution of his Deep Space Nine character, Benjamin Sisko. Jacqueline could not join us as she was spending the Canadian Thanksgiving holiday with her family. We also discuss a bit of news, try to trip up Encyclopedia Matt, and read your emails and forum posts. Hope you enjoy!
You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 16: Tom’s Island

This week our guest from the Deck 8 podcast, Tom Baddeley, joins us to discuss his 5 choices for Desert Island Trek. Michael Clark also joins us for a bit. Sincere apologies in advance for the audio issues as we had many problems while recording.

You can reach Tom on Twitter at @tombad2378

You can download or listen to his podcast here: http://trek.fm/d8/

You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 15: Book Club Destiny-Gods Of Night

This week on Ten Forward, barkeeps Sina and Matt chat with guest host Michael Clark about Book 1 of the Destiny Trilogy: Gods of Night. We also discuss a bit of news and read your emails about Anthony’s controversial opinions. Join us as we talk books and more books!Link for the trailer for our next book club pick, “Night of the Living Trekkies”:


You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 14: Aboot Anthonys Island

This week we have Anthony Davis on the show to give us his Desert Island Trek choices. He is the cohost of the @TrekTrivia account. We also discuss some news, read your emails (and make Michael read his own again), have a little bit of fun with Anthony and trivia. Oh, and Jacqueline speaks Canadian!

You can reach Anthony at @TrekTrivia or his personal twitter account at @antodav

You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 13: Jacqueline Hates Friendship One!

This week on Ten Forward, our Weyoun (Matt) is back! We discuss the latest ST 2013 movie news and the Google Doodle for TOS’ 46th anniversary. We also finally find out why Jacqueline hates Friendship One, and read emails. Enjoy!
You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 12:Tom & Harry’s Desert Island

In this week’s episode we are joined by Michael Clark, our serial e-mailer, as we strand him (and his kitties, Tom and Harry) on our Trek island.  We discuss his 5 episodes, have a couple of digressions, and put Michael to work by reading his own e-mail!
We also thank Cindy Kong for her thoughts on the convention (Fan Expo) she attended.  You can read her experiences on her blog:  http://loneguppy-showcase.blogspot.ca
You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 11:Book club: Borg And Babies

In this week’s episode we are joined by Carl Stark as we continue our book club.  Tthere’s almost no news this week, but we do of course make time for your emails.
You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 10: The Alpha Guys Wreck Ten Forward

In this weeks episode of Ten Forward we are joined by Paul & Adam from the previously in the alpha quadrant podcast, Paul discusses his Desert Island Trek choices and there are digressions galore
You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 9: Girl’s Night Out

In this weeks episode of Ten Forward we are joined by the wonderful Charlynn who has travelled all the way from the delta quadrant to discuss arguably Starfleet’s best captain, Patrick Stewart.Though be prepared for our usual news and general Trek chat as well as an electrical fire!
You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 8: If Wishes Were Horses

In this weeks episode of Ten Forward we are joined again by JD from Trek Mate: In The Wilderness and Matt returns to face Sina’s usual tough questions.
Our “Bad Trek” episode is “If Wishes Were Horses” from Deep Space nine and of course we have our usual news and general Trek chat.
You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward Quark’s Bar: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 7: Quark’s Bar

In this weeks episode Ten Forward is turned on its head as we head down under and become Quark’s Bar whilst we are joined by JD & Fez from Trek Mate: In The Wilderness. Expect digressions galore as we go through the weeks latest news, your emails, visit Desert Island Trek and we find out just how well JD knows “Way Of The Warrior”
You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 6: Let’s Talk Books

In this week’s episode we are joined by Carl Stark as we kick off our first installment of the Trek Mate book club as we read “Tales of the Dominion war”. As well as plenty of news and emails from you.
You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 5: The Quiz Master’s Island

Welcome to episode 5 of Ten Forward, this week Matt is on vacation but we are joined by Adam and the resident TrekMate quiz master Marc Stamper discusses his Desert Island Trek choices and sweats a lot with an evil quiz from Sina, we also have our usual round of news and emails
You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 4: Shat Attack!

In this week’s pod we discuss the “Legend” that is The Shat! We also have plenty of digressions as well as give this week’s latest news. Please accept our apologies for the issues with sound quality this week, unfortunately Skype wasn’t kind to us 🙁
You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 3: Adam’s Island

Welcome to episode 3 of Ten Forward.  This week Jacqueline is absent but we are joined by Adam who discusses his “Desert Island Trek” choices.  We also discuss the latest news and read your emails.
You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 2: The Naked Now

In this weeks episode we are joined by the one and only Carl Stark from the Stolen Droids podcast. We provide you with the weeks latest news, we find out what Trek Matt would want to be left alone with on Desert Island Trek, play some games and look for the best in “The Naked Now.”
You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 1: The Island

Welcome to the first episode of Trek Mate: Ten Forward.  Unfortunately Matt could not be with us but Sina & Jacqueline talk plenty of Trek and reveal their “Desert Island Trek” episodes.
You can listen to this episode here

Ten Forward: A Trek Mate Podcast – Episode 0: It Begins!

Welcome to Episode 0 of Ten Forward, in this epsiode the team are joined by Wayne to introuduce this new show.
You can listen to this episode here