Let’s start off your Monday with a Bar Adventure with none other than your host, Carnivore J, aka Chris Johnson (which by the way Chris, I don’t see ANYTHING wrong with Sully J, just saying, doesn’t matter if you are a grown ass man, Monsters Inc. is still awesome) and where was I? Oh yes! Chris talks with Dan about movies, Bond (Ugh! and if you had any doubt who’s posting this show, this should give you a clue), comics, Ryan Porter, the Evil Empire (no, not Dan’s house), life as a STAHD (STay At Home Dad) and even a little bit about Trek. Many, many thanks to Sully J for this episode!!!! And if you’re still reading these show notes, congratulations, most people don’t.
Tell Chris I’m right about Monsters Inc. at
You can sympathize with Dan about his having to put up with me at
You can reach me to tell me you’re amused at my show notes and that you miss me at
Oh and any complaints – split them between
@firbob1 & @chriscan’tfly