Upper Pylon 2 – 7×08 The Siege of AR-558
During a supply run to AR-558, Sisko finds the defending Starfleet unit with over two-thirds of the troops dead and the remaining soldiers’ morale extremely low. When the Defiant comes under attack, Sisko, Bashir, Dax, Nog, and Quark choose to remain on the planet, which is about to come under attack by a much larger contingent of Jem’Hadar soldiers. Tune in, enjoy, and be sure to let us know your thoughts in...
Upper Pylon 2 – 7×07 Once More Unto the Breach
We open this week with some very sad news. A good friend to the show, Matthias (@DS9Lover), recently passed away. We dedicate this episode to him. Please support a campaign to end myelodysplastic syndrome in Matthias’ name. https://www.gofundme.com/defeat-myelodysplastic-syndrome Tune in, enjoy, and be sure to let us know your thoughts in feedback.
Upper Pylon 2 – 7 x 06: Treachery, Faith and the Great River
This week on UP2, Smonskey and Chris are joined by guest Steve from Maryland to discuss the poignant and yet somehow funny episode, “Treachery, Faith, and the Great River.” Odo embarks on a reconnaissance mission and ends up meeting Weyoun Six, a clone that says he wants to defect from the Dominion. Meanwhile, Nog leads O’Brien through the treacherous rapids of the Great Material Continuum, and Sisko’s desk...
Upper Pylon 2 – 7×05 Chrysalis
For a while there it looked as if we had left the creepy Bashir behind us. Sadly, that wasn’t the case. The writers decided it was time for a romance episode, he drew the short straw, and this was the result. The UP2 crew and a special guest had some strong opinions. Tune in, enjoy, and be sure to let us know your thoughts in feedback.
Upper Pylon 2 – 7×04 Take Me Out To The Holosuite
Sisko leads the Niners in a battle to the death… well maybe not. Seriously, this is a classic, right? RIGHT? If you expected to find some light fluffy baseball episode hate, you came to the podcast. Tune in, enjoy, and be sure to let us know your thoughts in feedback.
Upper Pylon 2 – 7×03 Afterimage
There is a lot going on this week. We have Ezri with Sisko. We have Ezri with Garak. We have Ezri with Worf. We have Ezri with Quark. We have Ezri with Bashir. We have Ezri with Kira. Yeah, I guess we get a bit closer to Ezri this week. Tune in, enjoy, and be sure to let us know your thoughts in feedback.
Upper Pylon 2 – 7×02 Shadows and Symbols
Let’s really dig into Season 7, shall we?. Jadzia is sent off for good. The Prophets come back. Kira has balls of steel. The Cult of the Pah-wraith comes back! Well… most of that is true at least. Tune in, enjoy, and be sure to let us know your thoughts in feedback.
Upper Pylon 2 – 7×01 Image in the Sand
Here we go into the final stretch of DS9 and UP2! Season 7 begins with our characters continuing to pick up the pieces of the devastating end to season 6. Oh, and we get introduced to a new character. Tune in, enjoy, and be sure to let us know your thoughts in feedback.
Upper Pylon 2 – Season 6 UPee Awards
The UP2 cast sends off the 6th season of DS9 in style with our favorite episode of each season… THE UPEE AWARDS! Let us know where the awards went wrong and what episodes should have been higher or lower in the season rankings.
Upper Pylon 2 – 6×26 Tears of the Prophets
This is a big one. It is an episode of transitions… for plot points, for characters, and for actors. What do the UPeers think of the Season 6 finale? Tune in, enjoy, and be sure to let us know your thoughts in feedback.