How would you end a topic?  We end A vs. B.  Podcast #178

How would you end a topic? We end A vs. B. Podcast #178

Oh boy the end of a topic. Tonight we conclude our How Would A Deal With B? We may have had too much fun pairing Garak with Sulu, so please forgive us, but at least we had the decency to leave out the question about the Gay Klingon.. We pondered how that would go in a race of warriors. But again, Lou decided it might have been going a little two far and we are not out to offend, so it hit the cutting room floor, aka Audacity’s delete...

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Bad Modem, Sex Website Injections and lots of trek.  Podcast #177

Bad Modem, Sex Website Injections and lots of trek. Podcast #177

Part 2 of “How would A deal with B.” We also introduce two new different segments of the show back to back. We also discuss why we had to change record dates, which is the same reason why this posting is two days late. Join us for this week, I think the segments are off the wall funny. I hope you do also. Tonight’s Rule of Acquisition: #139 “Wives Serve, Brothers Inherit.“ This show is a proud member of the Trek Mate Family Network,...

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Would Captain Kirk hit On 7 of 9 or the 2 year old Kes?  Podcast #175

Would Captain Kirk hit On 7 of 9 or the 2 year old Kes? Podcast #175

Tonight we finally get into the topic of how would A deal with B. We had so many for TOS and a few of the other series that we had to stop and call it part 1. We spent a lot of time on Captain Kirk….how could we not?? Find out how the Captain of the NCC-1701 would deal with creatures and people of other time periods. Tonight’s Rule of Acquisition: #190 “Hear all, trust nothing.“ This show is a proud member of the Trek Mate Family...

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Lou tells you what he really thinks of some TNG Episodes, Podcast #174

Lou tells you what he really thinks of some TNG Episodes, Podcast #174

The Klingon’s holding on to his cold a wee bit longer, so Lou and Brian Baker will continue on to discuss Lou’s observations of several TNG episodes. What Lou really thinks about them. Then we make an announcement of changes to our Trek Mate membership, more specifically our Trek Mate Page. We hope Bryan Detamore will be back, but if not, we’ll continue to go on and will get to our planned topic eventually. Tonight’s Rule of...

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Where there’s a ship, theres a deception.  Podcast # 173

Where there’s a ship, theres a deception. Podcast # 173

The Klingon’s sick… So the Android and the FCA Agent carry on the show. We put off the A dealing with B. We take a look at Voyager’s season 4 episode, “Hope and Fear.” Brian and I do a show commentary. So, check out your season 4, disc 7 dvd or you can even watch it on Netflix and listen to our commentary. Tonight’s Rule of Acquisition: # OOPS Forgot. This show is a proud member of the Trek Mate Family Network, home of the best Star...

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The Lou Trek Show: Best of: We go back to our time travel episode to TNG Series Premier. Podcast #172

The Lou Trek Show: Best of: We go back to our time travel episode to TNG Series Premier. Podcast #172

  Hey guys. Lou and the Bry(I)ans are taking a couple weeks off for the holidays. We wanted you to get something this week, so we pull show number 25 and relive it. In this episode, Lou and Bryan go back in time for a make believe phone call the night TNG Series Premier happened. We discuss what we think of the new series and what we believe will happen as the series goes along. Have fun with us… Here is the original blog post...

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