Ten Forward Episode #159 – Quintessential Trek
Sometimes El Presidente has good ideas, sometimes he has bad ideas, sometimes he don’t know if the idea is good or bad until it’s published, this is one of those times. Chris is joined by Evil Dan, Nice Damon and Richard from the Star Trek Risa Social Media Website to discuss which “things” they think are quintessential examples in Trek. Richard gets special thanks for jumping in at literally the last...
Ten Forward Episode #158 – Chris Family Johnson’s Desert Island Trek
Two Chrisses, a Sina, a Firbob and a Jarman walk into Ten Forward and discuss lots of stuff. And sing. And make fun of each other and other people (natch). And discuss some of Chris Johnson’s favorite Trek episodes. I’m too lazy and it’s too late to post all the contact information except for Chris, our guest, who can be found here: @carnivorej Also, Jarman is especially good at...
Ten Forward Episode #157 – Tipsy Talk & Foul-Mouthed Feedback
Thanks to the wonders of time travel, you are getting this episode which was recorded in the future. Thanks to Evil Dan for joining me at the bar and helping me drink some…green…stuff. We have a bar, we get to drink.
Ten Forward: Episode 156 – Warning! Explicit Language And A Lack Of Trek
Sina gone running, Matt & Chris get Damon on the line, what did you think would happen?
Ten Forward: Episode 155 – A drunk Firbob and his lil’ sis’
Ten Forward: Episode 155 – An audience with Firbob’s lil’ sis’ In this weeks show; Firbob is drunk; Sina is glad to have another girl on the show, Chris… is Chris; Firbob growls at Sina and other random stuff in the large blooper sectiony thingy. Pass the wine please…
Ten Forward Episode #154 – Watch with Ten Forward: Return to Grace
A Sina, a Chris and a Firbob walk into a bar and watch DS9 season 4 episode Return to Grace. You can watch with them if you like. Or you could start an ant farm, return overdue library books, eat an extra large pizza, make a mess and refuse to tidy up or a multitude of different things, just use your imagination!!
Ten Forward Episode #153 – Chris Oozes Romance
Words: Worst One Shot Romance. 1 Girl, 3 Boys = Explicit Potato, Book, Whip = Jarman I have to get up in 4 hours. Goodnight.
Ten Forward Episode #152 – Robert “Techno” Reyes’ Ship Wreck Trek
He clasps the crag with crooked hands; Close to the sun in lonely lands, Ring’d with the azure world, he stands. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; He watches from his mountain walls, And like a thunderbolt he falls. @tenforward1701 @queenkatblue @chriscantfly @robertreyes facebook.com/tenforwardpod
Continuing Missions Promo
Trek Mate’s Continuing Missions: A Star Trek Voyager Novel Review Podcast. Join Sarah, Chris, Caroline, Melissa, and special guest Matt on the first Friday of every month as we review the Star Trek Voyager relaunch novels. Visit our website at TrekmateFamily.com
Ten Forward Episode #151 – Two Officers, a Wife and a Bartender
It’s late, so I will keep it short and sweet. Sina, Evil Dan and Shawn with the Rusted Robot Podcast (also the SciFi Waffle Podcast with our very own Firbob) talk about their guilty pleasure episodes that they like to watch. Usual: @queenkatblue, @dlevitt79, @darthvaderloo, @tenforward1701, @therustedrobot, @scifiwaffle, trekmatetenforward@gmail.com, facebook.com/TenForwardPod It’s time for bed y’all....